Creatures, Thoughts, and Travel, 2021
Ro2 Art is proud to present CREATURES, THOUGHTS AND TRAVEL featuring new paintings by Dallas based artist Alexander Revier. The show will run from September 11, through October 9, 2021 and will open with a reception that evening at Ro2 Art in The Cedars, located at 1501 S. Ervay St, Dallas, TX, 75215 from 7 to 10 PM.
Alexander Revier applies surrealism, irony, and a cartoonish glee to reveal the dark truths inherent in a late-capitalist reality. In this newest body of work, the artist reflects on a personal voyage to the Pacific North West amidst the historic travel restrictions caused by 9/11 and the recent challenges to movement during a pandemic.
Revier is known for his gift to reveal paradox in a way that makes the viewer smile. This knack for humor was something the quarantine robbed him of. In response to this change, the artist decided to up-end his life in a quest find clarity through travelling on his own from Texas to Washington, state. The artist collected experiences camping along the way, until arriving in the forests of Olympia, where friends awaited his arrival. There, in the freedom of nature and community, Revier was able to rediscover joy in the face of absurdity.
Joseph Campbell described mythic characters that populate the hero-quest as an adventure filled with tricksters, shapeshifters and allies. Elements of these beings appear amidst psychedelic landscapes and rainbow gradients. Being able to still conjure optimism in form, texture and pigment is the magical elixir regained in this hero’s journey.